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Antoinette Begon is the mother of Blaise Pascal

Her parents, Victor Begon and Antoinette Fontfreyde, come from families with a long line of ancestors in Gerzat, Puy de Dôme (France).

Victor Begon is the son of Bonnet Begon, Lieutenant général en la châtellenie de Gerzat (tax officer), both of them died in Gerzat, but Victor is buried at Clermont.

Victor was installed in Clermont, as trader and happened to be Echevin (mayor).

Antoinette Fontfreyde is buried at Gerzat, although according to her will, registerd on june the 17, 1627 (1), she wished to be buried at Clermont. Because of severe epidemics, in Clermont first, those outings were restricted and the family of Victor Begon had opportunities to take refuge in Gerzat, where they owned land and buildings  ; then, while the disease was almost eliminated in Clermont but expanded in the surrounding villages, the city of Clermont restricted incomings, so Antoinette Fontfreyde, died in Gerzat, had to be buried there.

A street in Gerzat, is named after Antoinette Begon.

To access the birth act of Antoinette Begon, go to this page (2) on the Web site of the Archives Departementales du Puy de Dôme, then select the page #29 / 50. The birth act is right down on the image, here is the text in latin:

Decima die mensis aprilis baptisata fuit Antoneta Beghon, filia Victoris et Antoneta Fontfrayde, patrinus eius fuit honorabilis vir Antonius Pousson, matrina honesta mulier Antoneta Tiolier, praedicta die anno domini 1596

Some disagreements remain on the dates of birth, death and marriages of people, as well as the spellings of their names, according to sources that have been used here:
 Antoinette Fonfreyde will, acquired by the Centre International Blaise Pascal,(1)
 dictionnary of names in Auvergne, comte de Remacle, volume 1 & 2,(3)
 pierfit database on Geneanet,(4)
 Memories of the Academy of Sciences et Fine Letters in Clermont-Ferrand 1886 (5)
    Antoine Begon, maried with Marie Thierry, born in 1546 according to pierfit database, vs 1544 according to Remacle (3),
    Antoinette Fontfreyde (written Fontfraide, in her will (1) and birth act (2), De Fontfreyde according to Remacle), is the daughter of Jacquette DURANT, according to Remacle, DURAND according to CIBP (1) and pierfit database (4)

Antoinette Begon has born on April 9, 1596, that is her baptism that took place on April 10 (5 page 138).

Antoinette Begon Tree